
Watermelon production

Sapota is an important tropical fruit also grown in subtropical region of the world. It is a native of tropical America especially South Mexico or Central America from where it spread to other countries. It is cultivated in states of Karnataka, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu.


Watermelon Varieties

Sapota Varieties: Sapota takes around 200 days to mature from fruit set. The fully ripe fruits are highly delicious, have a pleasant aroma. Fruits are round, oval or conical in shape depending on variety and season of harvest. Its flesh is yellowish brown to honey brown, soft in which hard black seeds are embedded.Several traditional varieties are grown in India are Cricket ball, kalipatti Pala etc., and hybrids viz. CO1, CO2,3CO3 as well.


Disease management

Diseases are the most important production constraints, which limits the successful cultivation of sapota crop, which is attacked by more insect pets than diseases which infest the crop from seedling to harvest. Growers has to analyze the field situation and make make proper decisions for their crop management. They have to select healthy planting material and varieties which are tolerant to major insect pests


Pest management

Sapota is an important fruit crop in India. The crop is attacked by several insect pests throughout the year with the rapid expansion of this crop across the country. The major pest affecting the Sapota are Chiku moth, Bud borer, Soft Green Scale and seed borer.


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